Beyond the opening event, the art show continues at this location April 25-May 5 for the run of Design Week, 12 Noon - 6:00 PM daily
Gaze the Unseen, in Systems Art:
Structure, Symmetry, Synergetics
Presented by Alderman Arts at The Atrium at the Brickyard, 90 Sherman Street, Cambridge MA 02140.
Systems Art invites art lovers to gaze colorful pattern structures to puzzle the parallels, see mirror symmetry reflections and repetitions. Systems pop with rotocenters, angles and glide lines that criss-cross to define unseen properties of space. This system of systems explores all possible structures of 2-dimensional thought i.e. space, in infinite planes.
Paintings and silkscreens by Holly Alderman (design science portfolio in RISD collection). Also gaze systems art whimsey in narrative watercolors of provocative witticisms by artist-musician John Kernochan. Compare systems art of two centuries ago: Gaze epic Mediterranean voyages in evocative scenic wallpaper monochrome panoramas by Dufour artisans of pre-industrial Paris, available renewed in digital systems printing.
Welcome to the spring art show! The artists turn the tables on "the medium is the message" once and for all. The show surrounds viewers with cascades of banners and puzzles and new pearlescent patterns painted by Alderman, side by side recent existential watercolor enigmas of evocative tunes and dunes by Kernochan.
In the Atrium, your eyes naturally seek symmetry and synergy and instantly recognize parallels in patterns, mirror lines, glide lines, reflections, angles, rotations and rotocenters 1,2,3,4. You might pick up a pencil and pattern puzzles, follow clues and crack the codes.
The antique scenic wallpaper panels redux (Paris 1824) tell systems art history. To produce palatial panoramic travel views, 60x14 feet, required Dufour to employ twenty artisans for a year using secret pre-industrial art systems, before rolls of paper were invented.
Synergy art is a calling, not to wryly measure out our life in coffee spoons as in T. S. Eliot satire. The quest being to seek and find how many structures exist in two dimensions; define codes for choices, limits and freedom of design; share science for benefit of humanity.