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April 30 - 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

INTERSECTIONS:  Urban Lighting and Social Justice

Presented by LIGHT Boston Inc and Light Justice organizations

Boston Design Center, One Design Center Place, 19 Drydock Avenue  - East Entrance, Suite #332 Boston, MA 02210

$10 Donation- RSVP


Reception & Silent Auction sponsored by 

DLF-NE Designers Lighting Forum of New England.     


Donations will fund initiatives for joint missions for

Light Boston and Light Justice



Keith Yancey, President of LIGHT Boston, Inc.

Edward Bartholomew/ Co-Founder of Light Justice  


Lighting has a significant impact on how we perceive the world around us. At night, in the urban realm, this visual world is almost entirely man-made. But unfortunately, many times, that man-made light does not shine equally on all people and neighborhoods. The lighting design community has an obligation and opportunity to improve the nighttime visual environment for all of Boston. From the celebration of our culturally significant structures to the appropriate and thoughtful illumination of our streetscapes, lighting can provide a safe, secure, beautiful, and sustainable Boston that can reaffirm our civic pride.


LIGHT Boston has been a strong and trusted non-profit advocate for aesthetically pleasing and sustainable lighting in the City of Boston for over 25 years. Working with local organizations and city officials, LIGHT Boston has been instrumental in getting some of our most beloved culturally significant structures illuminated. In addition, LIGHT Boston is constantly working with communities and neighborhood groups to help citizens understand the importance of good lighting and its impact on safety and the nighttime economy.



Light Justice is a non-profit organization that connects lighting professionals and community members across multiple organizations to help understand how lighting can contribute to greater social and environmental equity. At its core, It is the practice of planning, designing, implementing, and investing in good lighting for historically neglected communities through a process of stakeholder respect and engagement.

Edward Bartholomew is the principal of Bartholomew Lighting, a Black-owned design consultancy. He has more than thirty years of experience designing sustainable, inspiring, and award-winning architectural lighting. He is an invited speaker on lighting technology, energy efficiency, and social justice at national, and international conferences. He is also the co-founder and curator for Light Justice, a lighting social justice advocacy organization.


Keith Yancey has over 35 years of experience in the fields of architecture, lighting, and engineering, Keith’s portfolio includes lighting design for college campuses, parks, urban streetscapes, and numerous interior projects. Being registered as both an architect and engineer has embodied his interest in both the art and science of lighting.

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